Saturday, January 26, 2008

Going with the flow

I don't know what happened.
But it did.
The other day, I had a session with an energy coach. It was very cool. Based on e-ching, she looks at what year I am in and what year my business is in.
Business- Heaven- this is the year (the year starts in Feb) that I bring heaven to earth. Cool. I mean, really. I get to do that for a living? Okie-dokie! This is a year of joy, wonder and inspiration. A year that my business will grow. Fine with me. Just load me up with copious bags of heaven and I am on my way!
Personal-Lake. This means that I am relaxed, reflective, calm. I am benefiting from my efforts last year.
That is what happened. I spent a lot of energy last year getting my Professional Coach Certification and making sure that I would create a life that reflects who I am. A coach and yes, an artist. Well, at least, someone who creates so that she may buy more supplies!
As I spoke with this energy coach (the session was a gift and what a gift it was), I realized that I am CHILL. If you look in the dictionary, there is my smiling mug next to "Laid back"- adjective...etc.
Big departure from the job I left what feels like 2 lifetimes ago.
Tomorrow, I get to do some re-organizing in my studio. Hooray! My creative expression has really changed over the past 6 months and I want to honor all that calls to me by putting it in a place of honor and easy accessibility. I am not a cleaner but this sounds like A LOT of fun.
This entry is a big thank you. Thank you, Universe, for being so responsive to my desires. Thank you, all you awesome people out there who support me in my perfectly crazy collage of a life. Thank you, Heaven, for wanting to hitch a ride with me. And thank you, Lake, for the being my mirror, my rest, my peace.
I am with you. I am going with your flow.
in joy,

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