Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Things considered

I am having a sick day, today. Unfortunately, I AM sick. That is the worst kind of sick day.
My pup is sick, too. I am hoping it's nothing or perhaps, just something that is easily taken care of and she will be right as rain again before long. We go to see her doc tomorrow. She is next to me in her new comfy bed and we are couch bound.
My first entry on this blog wasn't actually my first simply beMused blog entry. There was the blog I created a 3 am one sleepless night. The next day, I had forgotten the Log In information. I tried everything. Except the right combination. So I gave up and created a new one.
Well today when I was signing on, that was the information that came up. Apparently I use the same part of my brain when I am over tired and when I am seriously congested. I guess the point is that it's not so much that we forget anything as much as we just misplace it.

I was thinking about my favorite mediums. Silver, copper, yarn, paper, ink. I get so much out of each one. The metals are earthy. Of the earth. Grounded. Hard but malleable. When I work with copper and silver, it is like we are working together, separate but in concert. Strings and percussion.
When I work with yarn, it is like water. It slips through my fingers like the rush of water. It is easy and free and it's very nature is to expand, to unravel and recreate itself. It is willing and wanting. Wants to know what else it can be- like water.
When I work with paper and ink, I feel air. The ink mixes together as if on a breeze. I think of a fiery sunset- the reds and pinks, the dark purples and blues melt together like weather fronts, folding over each other and every where they meet, something new is created. It is loose but not in the way that yarn is. Ink wants intention. It wants purpose. Yarn will play just for the sake of playing.
I was wondering if I should focus on just one avenue of expression.
But how can I choose? Can I choose just air, or earth or water?
I don't think that I would choose even if I could.
in joy,


sUz said...

hi eLLie!

Hope this finds you feeling a bit better. It's the pits being sick. Hope your Chloe is doing better too.

Beautiful imagery in your words. You are right, why choose!?

iN jOy,

sUz said...


Tag, you're it!
