Sunday, January 20, 2008

Square Peg in a Round Hole

Why not?
I mean, it's all a matter of proportion, right?
I never understood the saying.
Maybe it has been one of those accepted ways to limit us. Well, to use another hackneyed phrase, where there's a will there's a way.
I am feeling round. Swirls and curls, spirals and circles.
But as you can see with some additions going up tomorrow on etsy, you can put a square in a circle. No prob.
What else can we do that we have learned or thought we couldn't? Almost daily, I stop myself in my tracks when I realize that what I thought was true, might not be. I was in a seminar last week and heard the speaker make one comment- just one out of an hour or so of enlightened statements-that changed one major direction in my life. It can be that way.
A couple of days ago, I took a class in silver smithing. Fun. Informative, great teacher. It was a new experience. I wasn't the one in the class who caught on right away. I guess thankfully, many of the things that could go wrong, did. At least I learned how to deal with them.
I also learned that if you are going to a long class, eat before you go or at least bring something with you to snack on.
I got tired. My blood sugar dropped. I lost patience. I simply wanted to go home.
Yeah, I am the one who learns quickly, helps other students and gets done quickly. Not that day.
The sweet girl next to me, who I am sure I could have given birth to at a respectable age, did great. She was nervous at first but found her stride. She helped me. I let her. We laughed. I saw myself in her eyes. In the eyes of the teacher. It amused me.
I didn't pick up the technique very quickly but I did get it. I took my time and when I was tired, I sat back. I went outside and got some fresh air. I got a drink. And I did what I could.
I did what I could.
It is like that breath you think you haven't got while singing. The options you don't think are open to you. The choice to be in the moment and offer up your best in that moment.
Maybe not your ultimate best but your best at the moment.
There is a freedom in allowing yourself to be your present moment best. Whatever that may be.
Okay, off the soapbox and off to bed.
in joy,

1 comment:

sUz said...

hi eLLie,

Just stopping by to say hello and to say "you made my day"!

iN jOy,